All you need to know about B2B website redesigns


Amy Culham
Digital Marketing Manager

A company’s website acts as the backbone of its online persona. For those in the B2B game, a robust, good looking, and easy to navigate site is non-negotiable.

Staying ahead often means giving it a much-needed makeover or rethinking your website entirely. So, let's break down the nuanced difference between redesigning and rebuilding a website and look at why and when to consider a redesign, and how to go about the B2B website redesign process.

What is a website redesign vs rebuild?

Website redesign and rebuild are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they represent processes with different implications.

A redesign is like a home renovation. It involves modifying or updating the visual design, components, content, or user interface of the website while keeping the core structure intact. The functionality of a redesign includes changing colours, fonts, images, or restructuring the placement of features for better usability.

On the other hand, a rebuild involves dismantling the existing structure and creating a new website from scratch. It is a comprehensive, ground-up process that requires substantial resources and time, but it allows for a complete reset and upgrade of technology, design, and content strategies.

Why redesign your website?

A website redesign is like giving your business's online presence a much-needed facelift. It's all about improving your web space with a modern look, supercharged features, and an unbeatable user experience. Here are a few reasons why a redesign may be necessary:

  • Keeping up with trends: Web design trends evolve rapidly and to stay relevant, your website needs to cater to modern aesthetics and user preferences.
  • Improved user experience: Redesigning can make your website more intuitive and user-friendly, which can boost conversion rates.
  • Increase leads and sales: If your website is not generating enough leads and sales then it's probably time to look at a redesign.
  • SEO updates: A redesign can make your website more SEO-friendly, which improves your ranking on search engines.
  • Reflecting changes in your business: Business changed? Evolved services? Got a new brand persona? A redesign can accurately reflect those.
website redesign

How do I know when I need to redesign my website?

While external factors, such as competition and trends, can influence your decision, there are internal elements to consider as well, such as:

  • Engagement drought: If you notice falling user interaction or engagement, it may be time for a redesign.
  • Vintage trap: Vintage might be ‘in’ for your wardrobe or furniture, but when your website starts to look like it’s stuck in a time warp, it's a problem. A redesign can refresh your online presence.
  • Device discord: If your website is not delivering the best user experience across all devices, a redesign that’s all about responsiveness should be on your radar.
  • Business evolution: It's a point worth repeating - if your business takes on a new direction, change of services, or even a minor shift, your website should reflect that.

How to start a website redesign?

Ready to dive into the whirlpool of a website redesign? Here's a roadmap to keep you on track:

  1. Define your goals: Outline what you hope to achieve with the redesign. This could be improved UX, better SEO, or reflecting brand changes.
  2. Analyse your current website: Understand what works, what doesn't, and why changes are necessary.
  3. Competitor analysis: Study competitors’ websites to understand what they are doing right and where they are lacking.
  4. Create a redesign plan: Outline the redesign process, timelines, labour, and cost implications.
  5. Communication with stakeholders: Ensure that all relevant parties are aware of the upcoming change and have agreed on the redesign process.

What to consider when redesigning a B2B website?

When it comes to revamping a B2B website, there are some key factors you'll want to keep in mind:

  • Know your crowd: B2B websites are all about catering to a discerning professional audience. It's not just about looking good; it's about meeting their specific needs. Dive deep into understanding what makes them tick.
  • User-friendly design: Make it crystal clear and user centric. Your design should be a roadmap, not a maze. Users should find what they need pronto and intuitively know how to get around.
  • SEO optimisation: Ensure that your website is SEO friendly to improve its search engine ranking.
  • Mobile responsiveness: In a world dominated by mobile screens, your website needs to be a superstar on all devices. A smooth experience on smartphones and tablets is non-negotiable.
  • Loading speed: Speed matters, a zippy website keeps visitors engaged and less likely to hit the dreaded "back" button. Bounce rates, begone.
  • Content is King: Never underestimate the power of content. It's what keeps your audience hooked. Make sure it's not just good but spot-on for your B2B crowd. Relevant, engaging content is your best ally.
user experience

How long should it take to redesign a website?

The timeline for a website redesign depends on the complexity of the project and resources available. Generally, a website redesign can take anywhere between 4 to 14 weeks or more. The larger and more complex the website, the more time it takes to redesign it.

How much does it cost?

Redesigning a website can be expensive or affordable, depending on your project scope, the platform you use, and the design complexity. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from a few thousand pounds to tens of thousands or more for a website redesign. Factors such as employing a professional website design agency, getting custom illustrations, or incorporating high-profile features will contribute to the cost.

How often should you redesign your website?

There isn't a magical "one-size-fits-all" solution. However, a good rule of thumb is to think about a redesign every 2-3 years. Why, you ask? This keeps your online presence up-to-date and makes sure you're not left behind in ever-evolving world of web design trends and technologies.

Does a redesign affect SEO?

Yes, a website redesign can affect SEO. While the redesign itself offers an opportunity to optimise your website for better search engine rankings, it can also negatively impact your SEO if not executed properly. If you are choosing a web agency to redesign your website, ask them how they will approach SEO and what experience they have of it.

During the redesign process, ensure that you maintain critical on-page SEO elements such as heading tags, meta titles, and descriptions. Pay attention to mobile responsiveness, website speed, and internal linking. A well-planned redesign keeping these aspects in mind will likely have a positive impact on your SEO.

Taking it all into account, redesigning your website could be the key to keeping your B2B business in the forefront. Yes, it involves an investment of time and resources, but think about the gains - elevated visibility, increased engagement, and more conversions. It's more than worth the adventure.

B2B website redesign checklist

Kicking off a website redesign is a significant undertaking. To ensure you cover all crucial aspects of the redesign process, we've compiled a handy checklist:

Pre-design stage:

  1. Define goals: Identify clear, measurable goals for your redesign. This could be to increase user engagement, decrease bounce rate, improve lead generation, etc.
  2. Target audience understanding: Clearly define who your target audience is, their preferences, needs, and the problems they are looking to solve.
  3. Analyse current website: Identify what works and what doesn’t on your current site. Use Google Analytics or other similar tools to track user behaviour.
  4. Competitor analysis: Assess competitor websites for design ideas, UX practices, and features to implement or avoid.

Design and development stage:

  1. Create a sitemap: Outline your website's planned pages and how they will intersect. This will serve as a blueprint for your redesigned website.
  2. Design wireframes: Before finalising the design, create wireframes as a mock-up of your redesigned website pages.
  3. SEO strategy: Ensure your redesigned site is SEO-friendly. Incorporate keywords, meta-descriptions, alt text, etc.
  4. Mobile-first design: Given the increasing number of mobile internet users, your site redesign should prioritise mobile-friendliness.
  5. Optimise for speed: A slow-loading site causes users to bounce. Make sure all elements are optimised for quick loading times.
  6. Intuitive navigation: Your site should enable users to find what they need quickly and efficiently.
  7. Call to actions (CTAs): Make CTAs clear, concise, and strategically placed to prompt users to take desired actions.

Post-design stage:

  1. Testing: Test every aspect of your site before launch. This includes load times, broken links, forms, compatibility across devices, and more.
  2. Analytics setup: Make sure you have analytics set up to track user behaviour, conversions, and other critical metrics post-launch.
  3. Phased launch: Consider a soft launch first to identify and fix issues before a full-scale roll-out.
  4. Ongoing optimisation: Post-launch, continually monitor your site's performance and make necessary adjustments for improvement.

Well, there you have it - your guide to navigating the intricate world of website redesign. Remember, the points outlined in this checklist are designed to assist you in achieving the most from your efforts.

Decide if you want to cary out the project inhouse of choose a web design agency. Don't rush the process; take each step mindfully. In no time you'll have a revamped website ready to turn visitors into conversions, conversations, and ultimately, customers.

This article was updated on , filed under website design.

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